Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Red Scarf Project 2007-8

You'll notice a button on the right of my posts. It's for the Red Scarf Project, through the Orphan Foundation of America.

We all think of orphans as little kids living in a group home, or on the streets. Maybe you think of Oliver Twist. Fact is, orphans come in all shapes and sizes, ages and races. And finding the Red Scarf Project last year introduced me to a group that I'd never considered. Orphans who were never adopted, who have gone on to college.

Imagine moving in to the dorm. Who helped them? Who went shopping with them to get necessities? Did they get to shop at all?

Imagine that they make the dean's list. Who do they call to celebrate with?

Imagine that their roommate has a devoted and loving mom who sends care packages to them often. How do they feel, knowing that there's no one to send a package to them?

Introducing the Orphan Foundation of America, and the Red Scarf Project. The Orphan Foundation supports these young people in many ways. Their website, www.orphan.org, gives tons of information about how. Ways like mailing care packages during final exams. Providing mentors on-line. Sending hand-made scarves from everyday knitters like you and me, to brighten these kid's day and their wardrobe.

Join me, and everyone at superblog Now Norma Knits at supporting this awesome organization.

After all...

"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." James 1:27

This is last year's donation...a cashmere blend bamboo stitch scarf.

Do me a favor: if any of you decide to support this group, could you comment here and let me know?


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