Sunday, February 24, 2008

Actual Progress!!

Believe it or not, I have actually accomplished some knitting recently. My current test knit is a baby item, and it really is cute. The designer says "no" to posting any pictures, though. She's thinking about submitting it for publication. So, you'll just have to trust me that 1) I actually did knit something and 2) It's really adorable. It is blocking as we speak, and just a tiny bit of seaming remains. And buttons. But those require shopping first. Darn. :-)

These little cuties have been finished for a while, but had no buttons. (I'm beginning to see a trend here.) But now they do, and boy, are they adorable! See?

I just printed the pattern out for another test knit. This one is a baby shrug, and it is pretty adorable, too.

Why do I keep making all these baby girl things, with no baby girls to give them to?

Because they're quick, cute, and don't have race cars, footballs, baseballs, or comic book heroes on any of them.

But I am going to have to break down and give some of them to charity or something. They're too cute to hide in my closet!

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