Monday, January 28, 2008

I'm Having a Giveaway!

Shannon over at Rocks in My Dryer is hosting the Bloggy Giveaways Carnival: Winter '08 Edition.

Bloggy Giveaways Carnival

I've decided to play along, and I wanted my giveaway to reflect me and my blog. So, I'm Givin' Away some knitting! I've decided to offer my "Bluebird of Happiness" bag to the lucky winner. It's a red handbag I knit myself, felted myself,and embroidered myself in shades of blue. It is my most favorited project on Ravelry and the most viewed in my Etsy shop, Elizabeth Originals. Here's a shot of it:

To enter my giveaway, leave me a comment telling me why you would like win my little bag. I really love comments and linky love (wink, wink:-). However, I will use a Random Number Generator to pick the winner. Contest closes at Noon EST on February 2. Any comments placed after that time will not be considered in the drawing.

Good luck!

Giveaway is now closed. Thanks for stopping by! Check back for the post announcing the winner!


1 – 200 of 319   Newer›   Newest»
Teddi said...

I so envy gals who can knit! I can do almost every crafty thing in the world but knit - you rock! This bag is scrumpdilliumptious! The little blue birdy is the highlight for me - the sparkly touch that sets it off! Winner or not, it's fun to see your work!

forcryeye said...

Hooray, I am the first one! I love this purse. I am really into birds lately, and I love the little birdy on it! The shape is really eye catching!

Hillary (Mrs. Einstein) said...

I'd like to win your bag because it's GORGEOUS! I love the colors! And the blue bird!

Hillary (Mrs. Einstein) said...

Your bag is GORGEOUS! Great colors and design!

Katy said...

oh how i WANT to learn to knit! I would like to enter because that bag is sooo pretty! :)

I think it is awesome that you make things to give away. I invite you to join my GLOW from your home ministry on my would be perfect for it!!! xoxo

Jessica said...

This is an awesome purse! I love it! Count me in!

Sarah said...

Wow, that is gorgeous! Thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

Why I would like to win your bag? Because it is RED! What better reason could there be?

Doreen said...

LOVE the colors, it's a beauty!!

Jessica said...

I want to win this b/c I have the hardest time picking out purses and this one is sooooo cute! I would totally carry this everywhere! Thanks for the cute giveaway!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful bag - I would love to win it - how generous of you to give this away!

Lisa said...

That is one of THE coolest bags that I have ever seen. Is that reason enough to want to enter and win? Red is my favorite color and over half of the rooms in my house are decorated in red.

carol said...

Because its knit.
Because its felted.
Its pretty.
Because its totally handmade and I LOVE all things handmade!
Because I knit too but not anything like that! My specialties are just scarves and washcloths!
Because its pretty!
Because it would make me smile everytime I looked at it.
Because its pretty!

I'll stop now,ok?
Its pretty!

Heather said...

Wow you are talented! What a cute bag. I'd love to win it because I'd be the only one with one like it!

Queen B said...

I would love to win the totally cool bag because I am completely lacking in sewing/knitting/any crafting talent and it is the only way I'll ever get anything cute and handmade :)

Shauna said...

Beautiful bag! I love the color and of course the bluebird!

Anonymous said...

I have THE perfect pair of red shoes that this redolicious bag would go with....I always say that for every pair of shoes there is THE perfect bag just waiting to compliment it....I FOUND IT. I FOUND IT. ( I'm secretly very jealous that you could knit your very own bag to match any pair of shoes YOU own. Triple Arm Pump to you Whoot Whoot Whoot)

dawn224 said...

I'd love a chance to win! Thanks! Dawn :)

(contact info - dawn at

Jenn said...

learning to knit - moved past the scarf stage - and now attempting socks? This would be fan-ta-stic to transport everything. And an incredible inspiration. Thanks,

suzzcq70 said...

Many reasons why I want it. Its red. Its handmade. And I am bookmarking your blog. I'm a crocheter, but knitting is so hard!

Unknown said...

Very pretty, & so different, enter me to win!!

Girly said...

I would love to win that bag - it is gorgeous!

daytoncat said...

Your bag is an original, is gorgeous and is such a conversation starting piece!
Thanks for the great giveaway!

Londa said...

I've been wanting a fun red bag... it is so pretty!!! I REALLY hope I win... my purses are so boring and this one is just a happy color!

ljbs3 (at) juno (dot) com

Melissa said...

how cute!

Cheaper by the Baker's Dozen said...

I'd love to win this bag because maybe, just maybe, someone might accidentally think I'm creative enough to have made it :)

Great giveaway -

Miscellany Mom said...

so cute! this would be great to grab and go!

Nashvillians Now said...

Wow! Your bag is gorgeous! I love the color and design. I hope I win!

Emily said...

What a beauty!

I love it!

Haley said...

What a stylish little bag! I would love to have it because it's a purse, and a girl can never have too many! :-)

Awesome Mom said...

That is a beautiful bag! I don't have a particular reason that i would like to win it, but I do very much admire the work that went into it.

Geri said...

Great Giveaway!!! Thanks

Are you kidding me???? This is stunning, how can you stand to part with it!

Jill said...

What talent! It is beautiful! I am graduating from a daiper bag and need a new small purse to take with me instead of the big daiper bag! Hooray for me!

Thanks! Jill

Ursula said...

I'd take knitting lessons, but this would be great! I need an alternative to my bright orange diaper bag! This is beautiful-you're very talented...(I can really kiss up if it means I win...:) )

cuzamora ((at)) hotmail dot com

Pickel said...

I am a purseaholic...and love this one!

Rachel said...

sign me up please!!

Dorian said...

Wow, very unique!! Thank you.

Pdyrholm said...

Truly unique and beautiful. I would like a chance to win that.
well... might let my dear wife carry it around in stores and such. But it looks very pretty.

Farrah said...

I love the little details... so adorable. I am a girly girl surrounded by boys. I need all the feminine touches I can get. Thanks so much.

KnittinChick said...

I love it! I gave away all my felted bags at Christmas so I'd love one for me. I'm putting you on my links:-)

Julie said...

It's such a happy color and so cute. And besides, I knit a little so everyone (who didn't ask, of course) might think I made it. : )

Anonymous said...

What a beatiful bag. I am 37 and just started carrying purses. I love them - way better than just a wallet. Thanks for your contest.


Neen said...

I'd like to win it simply because I never keep any of my own knitting, someone always says that they like it and I end up giving the item to them.

black eyed susans kitchen said...

I am so impressed. That bag is great! Susan

windycindy said...

How talented your are! Your purse is adorable. I love the size and color! Please enter me in your giveaway drawing. Many thanks,Cindi

Stephanie said...

That bag is just so cute! Love the color.

Gretchen said...

I'm just relearning to knit, so my eye is drawn to anything sweet like this little bag. Love the color, too!


Deanne said...

Reason?? I love red AND your purse is beautiful! Need I say more? :)

racheariel said...

Its a beautiful bag! I love knitting, but really, can only knit in straight lines - so i have lots of scarves :) So why would I love your bag? Because then I would have something knit that is not a scarf! (or a pot holder or anything else that comes only in straight lines) :)

The Autumn Rain said...

Why do I want to win it? Because it bright--and it has a little blue and lot of red and they both go so beautifully together!

krista said...

this is CUTE!! how awesome!
count me in please :)

erin said...

My mom is teaching my little sister to knit. I guess when all 8 of us kids were at home, she didn't have the energy. YOu are super talented. Knitting and embroidery? That's a two-fer! The bag is awesome!

ikkinlala said...

What a gorgeous bag! It's so bright and cheerful, and also looks warm and fuzzy - perfect for brightening up a winter day (or anytime).

I knit, but have so far not tried felting. It's inspiring to see such a beautiful project. I spend a lot of time on Ravelry for the same reason.

Anonymous said...

I would like to win your bag because it is so cute...who wouldn't want to win such a lovely little thing? Bravo!

The Chatty Housewife said...

I would like to win your bag because it is the coolest, prettiest bag I have seen for a long time! I don't think I could put it down if I won, and I would probably sleep with it too. :)


Melissa~ said...

Oh! I *love* your bag. Red is one of my favorite colors and I am completely birdie crazy(just look at my blog banner)! Love it!! Going to peek at your shop now.

Pink Paper Peppermints

Angela said...

Very nice, thanks.

Melissa said...

What a gorgeous bag. I'd love to win because I only have crocheted items. A knitted purse would be great. Thanks for entering me!

United Studies said...

Seeing things like this makes me wish I were crafty. Very cute, thanks!

momofmhasr said...

What a beautiful job! I have never learned to knit. :(

Melissa said...

What is not to love about this little bag? I love the spunky color and I'm just teaching myself to embroider, so I'm completely jealous of your talent!! Also, although I don't see myself doing it, I'm fascinated by felting. It looks like so much work!!
Thanks for the chance to win this sweet bag!
Melissa K

Anonymous said...

Your bag is beautiful!! I am crafty, but kntitting is beyond me!

Beth @ TheAngelForever said...

I learned to knit when I was very young and just started up again and finished my first project in over 20 years. Someday I would love to be able to make something as lovely as this.

Please feel free to stop by my giveaway.


Anonymous said...

This is gorgeous! Thanks for the chance to win it.

1A said...

I'd love to win because I like the significance of the Bluebird of Happiness. Besides, it's beautiful.

Tia said...

I would like to win it because I think it is beautiful, and because the blue bird will remind me of one of my favourite stories "Ballet Shoes" by Noel Streatfield

Sky said...

I can knit...but I've got to keep it simple! This bag is fab! I'd carry it everywhere!

Anonymous said...

Count me in please.

Thanks for the giveaway!

Stop by my place to win a bath set & candles or one of two copies of a book I'm giving away.

Laura @ Laura Williams' Musings

Monique said...

What a gorgeous bag! And I love that black felted hat in your shop too, it's just too cute! Thanks for offering such a wonderful giveaway!

Laura said...

I'm going to learn to knit... someday... for now, can I have a chance at winning this adorable purse?

Please stop by my blog and enter to win a Chick-Fil-A gift card!

Thanks for the entry....

Jeni said...

What a pretty bag! I'd like it because it just looks happy!

Someone Being Me said...

I love this bag. Please sign me up. I have been carrying the same black purse for over 2 years. I need some color, some variety.

cmay said...

so cute!

peg42 said...

Thanks for offering this giveaway. Please enter me. What a beautiful purse. Your so talented. Thanks again.

Wendy said...

Great giveaway! Count me in:)

Stephanie Wilson she/her @babysteph said...

I love the color and am bird-obsessed!!! I'd love to win!


Scarlett said...

I would love to win because red is my favorite color and this is such a beautiful, vibrant shade.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful stuff. Once again it proves that there is always something hidden on Ravelry. Love the purse and the bluebird embroidery is amazing.

Andrea said...

i have a bag fettish...i'd LOVE to win yours. that's beautiful!!

Shannon said...

That is just beautiful!

Count me in!

Melissa Markham said...

This purse is so very, very cute! I love it! And it would be a new look for me. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

What a great splash of color this bag would add to any outfit! Count me in!

Christine said...

I must say that this bag is beautiful!! I so wish I could knit.

Anyhow, I would use this gorgeous little bag, in addition to my diaper bag - Something I don't do often!

Thanks for the chance to win some a wonderful creation!

Carrie said...

It is gorgeous. I'm giving away some knitted socks on my blog.

Lindsey said...

oh man, why wouldn't I love to win the bag?

One my weaknesses (many) is interesting bags. I love the red, and the embroidery is too much!

majellamom said...

What a beautiful purse!

Here's why I would love it:

1) I broke the strap off my only purse and my girls are getting older, so I don't need to carry a diaper bag all the time

2) My favorite color is red

3) My girls LOVE birds and would be in love with this purse


4) I have always wanted to try felting something, but my knitting career has stalled out for the next 10 years or so while I'm dealing with my lil'uns!

Donna said...

Gorgeous bag! You are a lucky girl who knows how to knit. I could never get the hang of it. I would LOVE to win this bag because I need a little bluebird of happiness in my life right now. Thanks!

Molly said...

I love the Bluebird of Happiness! What a lovely bag. Thanks for sharing your talents!

Zaankali said...

Please include me.

Re said...

GREAT contest! I really want to win. :)

Anonymous said...

I love the colors & have been wanting a red bag, this one is gorgeous!

Our Home Schooler and Jen said...

Please enter me

Anonymous said...

This is adorable. My husband is an artist so I esp. heart handmade things. You've made something special. (My BFF says red is my color)

Caroline said...

I love it. It would be so much prettier than the one I have.

Bree said...

I usually carry a diaper bag, so this would make me feel PRETTY!

Stephanie said...

I would love this because it is handmade and that means something ya know!?

Random Steph said...

I would love to win this beautiful bag. I've been carrying around a boring colored backpack as a diaper bag and I could use some girly-girl ness to carry around. Preferably out with the girls or a date and the child at home. :)

ahiltz said...

I have always admired felted purses and have wanted to try making one, but I just don't have the time being a Mom to three busy kids! Red is my favorite color and your purse is gorgeous! You are so talented! Thanks so much for doing this!

Elena said...

This is so pretty! I love how sturdy felted bags are, and this looks really cute! Thanks for the contest!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful bag! I really love the way the colors work together. You are very talented. :) Thanks for giving me a chance to be a winner! :)

SimplyBillie said...

I'm addicted bags!
What a great giveaway! I'd love to participate!

Anonymous said...

How fun! Please enter me! You are so talented!!!!! I love your gorgeous little bag!

Anonymous said...

Love this!

Sandy said...

Wow! I'm in awe. It's a beautiful bag and I'd love to trade in my beat up old black whatever-it's-made of bag for something this spunky and uplifting!

Jenn said...

You made that? That's amazing, and beautiful. I would love to win!

Anonymous said...

YUMMY! I would really appreciate this beauty because blue is a favorite color, the cheerful embroidery would make me smile, and a burst of red brings out the brightest in me. Thank you for sharing this treasure!

mybuttercup "@" cavtel "." net

HilLesha O'Nan said...

Thanks for the giveaway :)

Little Piddles said...

I have a Red Hat Society friend and would love to give it to her as a gift. I know she would absolutly love it:)

Stacey said...

my fav color is red. it is super cute! i could look cool!

brooke said...

Aah! That bag is so cute. I must own it. :)

Amico Dio said...

That bag is sweet! I would love to win this! Great giveaway... thank you so much!

Whitney said...

I love the bag...the red is beautiful!

Anonymous said...

It's really cute

Marcia said...

I'd love to win this bag because I am not talented enough to know how to embroider and this is just gorgeous!!

Lolly said...

I love the decoration you have so carefully created on the bag. It's breathtaking. Fingers crossed!!

Anonymous said...

I love the color red!

Please enter me!

I have giveaways on my blog too!

maggie said...

This is beautiful!!! And I'd love to win it because.......
It's red, my favorite color
I love bluebirds
It's an awesome bag
It would boost my self-esteem to carry it
It's one of a kind
It's the perfect size for me
It would match so many of my outfits.
None of my friends would have one like it.

Can't you tell I want to win it??? Thanks for the great giveaway.

Heather said...

Adorable bag! I'd love to carry something that cute.

Heather said...

Adorable bag! I'd love to carry something that cute.

Superdumb Supervillain said...

I love the way blue and red together create the scintillating effect... and the wee birdie is so sweet. (I have a true love birdie tattoo on my back and so does my husband.) Plus the shape is great and it looks fun to carry. I've always wanted to learn to felt wool.

please stop by my blog and enter my contests, more coming up in feb, too!

Katie said...

Your bag is gorgeous and you are quite talented! I would love to have it because with two small kids I don't get pretty new things for myself. Winning this would be a great excuse for a night out with my new purse (and maybe a new outfit?). said...

I would LOVE to have your beautiful red felted bag! I love the gorgeous red and the birds provide added detail (I love birds). You did a fantastic job on this bag and I would be proud and so very happy to win it and use it! I also love your Chocolate Brown felted bag with scrolls in your Shop.

Thank you so much for entering me in your drawing!

Danielle said...

Fabulous giveaway! Its gorgeous!
dansan826 at

Jodi said...

I love it 'cause red is my favorite color!

Qtpies7 said...

That is gorgeous! I am just learning to knit and I can't wait to figure out how to make something more than a dishcloth or scarf! LOL I hope I win!

byoc said...

That is really lovely! I would love to have a new, gorgeous purse to start out my new life next month!

Brenis said...

Ooh this is gorgeous! Red is my favorite color - can't live without it! LOL - and since i am a retard when it comes to knitting, I can't knit my own! :( So I have to buy gorgeous creations from those that can! Please count me in !!

Anonymous said...

I don't think the comment went through the first time. If it did, will you please delete one? I love to wear denim and khaki. This purse would look so great with those outfits!Please enter me!

Peggie said...

I love that purse!!! I should get it because I would use it and brag about it and advertise on my blog so you would get a whole bunch more to make!

Becca said...

Everyone could use bright colors to cheer them up from winter gray! And I love the design on the front.

Erin said...

I must admit, I'm lusting after this bag. Thanks for the awesome giveaway.

Mary512 said...

I would love to win this bag because it is beautiful and i absolutely love the embroidery.

cabesh said...

How darling! I would love to win this because after three kids I am finally starting to transition to a purse from a diaper bag.

Anonymous said...

i'd love to win this for my dd's bday gift!

fyjules said...

Cause it look nice.

Hannah said...

Your bag is sooo cute. I wear a lot of red so it would be perfect!!!

Deborah in Atlanta said...

I love things hand-made. All the love and effort that went into it. And that bag is adorable. How can you part with it???? Oh, but I'm so glad you can and I hope you pick my number as the winner. dmj53 at

RSchuurman said...

You made that?!?! I totally envy those who can create things like this! It's gorgeous so cool that you've entered it for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

You knit AND felted AND embroidered that yourself!? WOW. I'm a newbie knitter with, like, one decent scarf to my name, so I'm in awe here!

I'd love to win this bag - both because it's beautiful and I know I'd get a ton of compliments on it, and because it would inspire me to keep on trying with this knitting stuff! :-)


Teri said...

Wow! You are so talented! I love the bag & I think I definitely need it to brighten up my pale, winter complexion...oh wait, I'm always pale..but still..that bag is so pretty! :)

Anonymous said...

I'm in the 400's for perusing through the carnival of giveaways, and the number of handmade items is disappointing - I just adore the handmade stuff - maybe a "handmade carnival" should be in the works! your bag is stunning - my favorite is bright colors from nature - the little bluebirds on a branch against the cheery red compliments and contrasts so nicely - would love this great work of art to show off!

thanks for your giveaway!

lev53211 said...

the bag is beautiful- i love that it is very unique and appreciate all of the hard work that went into making it.

Bebemiqui said...

My current bag (from Africa)is literally falling apart.Great giveaway! Count me in.

Kelley said...

I love bags and this one of a kind is FABULOUS! Crossing my fingers that you pick my name!!

kaprahl @

megret7 said...

I would carry this little number when I wear my red pashmina! Thanks for the contest! ( )

Anonymous said...

Oh - it's so feminine! I've been schlepping around a giant diaper back-pack (handy and all - but not "pretty"). Thanks for the giveaway!

Bonnie said...

What a gorgeous bag!!! I am a newbie knitter and would LOVE a bag like this made by a true expert! I am bookmarking your site and will be checking back in often!

Bonnie said...

This bag is gorgeous!!! I am a Newbie knitter and would love to be able to knit a bag this beautiful! I am bookmarking your site and will check back often!

Sarah Rose said...

Beautiful bag! I love it!

The Mom of 'em said...

i'd love to give this to my sister.

Lucy said...

I love homemade things. It is adorable. Thanks.

lucycontest at

Valerie said...

I love your bag, so talented! Would love to carry it around all day.

Leane said...

Wow! I can't believe you made this yourself. I am amazed for sure. I think this bag is great and I am keeping my fingers crossed that I will win. Winning it is the closest thing I will get to knitting myself. You have a great talent. Keep it up!
Thanks for the entry!

Anonymous said...

I wish I had your wonderful talent! I LOVE the bag! It's the perfect accessory and can add a punch of color to my wardrobe (especially in these winter months!) It's beautiful! Thanks for the opportunity!

E Caughron said...

Beautiful! I sew, do not knit, and would love to learn how to make this. PLease enter me.

Isil Simsek said...

this bag is so beautiful!please enter me,too.

Anonymous said...

I'm a knitter but haven't played with felting pretty! Thanks for this!

Kristan said...

Ooooh! If I don't win, will you tell me where to find the pattern?

joanne117 said...

I love your bag. I'm a brand new knitter and Ravelry member. I hope to be able to make something as nice as that someday. Please enter me in your giveaway. Thanks so much

Jenna Z said...

That is one FUN bag!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, that's a lovely, cheery bag to brighten a winter day! Count me in.

And, drop by to enter my contest for a hand beaded/embroidered evening purse!

Nancy Sabina said...

What talent! I am so jealous of people who know how to felt. I think it always makes things look so cool. Some day maybe I'll be brave enough to try to learn. Anyway - your bag is beautiful and I would use it with much pride (probably too much!).

Anonymous said...

The purse is beautiful. I love its size and shape.

I attended the knitting group at our church and they eventually got me to knit a wash cloth but I've decided to stick to my counted cross stitch! :-)

Jill B
jrberends1 (at) peoplepc (dot) com

sweetsue said...

I would love to win this because of the little blue bird on it. I love it!

Anonymous said...

Your bag is gorgeous - way more unique and elegant than those name-brand bags retailing for hundreds or even thousands in department stores. I would much rather win yours!! Thanks for the giveaway & please enter me!

Anonymous said...

Please enter me! This bag is to DIE FOR!
zoetrope2000 at gmail dot com

Emilie said...

This bag is beautiful! The colors are so divine together, and I'm a sucker for anything w/ birdies. You're very talented! Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Well, I love the colors, love bags, and am teaching myself to knit so I appreciate the work!!! Thanks!

stbaisch AT

Anonymous said...

Wow! What a lovely bag. I'd love to win, because I've been dragging a diaper bag everywhere for the last 5 years....I would love to have such a beautiful piece of wearable art to celebrate the retiring of the diaper bag!

Genevieve P said...

How beautiful! I'd love to use this those times I don't need to lug a huge diaper bag!

Marly said...

I am a shameless bag slut, and I love, love, love yours!

Laura Marchant said...

So cute and unique, that's why I love it!

Heather said...

Your bags are BEAUTIFUL!! I love handmade products.

Christi S said...

This is BEAUTIFUL! Thank you so much for sharing something that I'm sure that you could sell for a nice price!

Anonymous said...

I'm an artist and appreciate gorgeous handcrafts! Thank you for offering a piece that you made!

art and nature [at] juno *dot* com

Anonymous said...

I love things that are felted! I would love to have to bag because of that.

emilycontestemail at gmail dot com

Michelle@Life with Three said...

A cute little red handbag would be so fun and really spruce up my dull winter wardrobe! The bluebird makes me think of spring!Your work is beautiful! Thanks for chance to win! mlciavola(at)yahoo(dot)com.

Anonymous said...

The red bag is so colorful and the blue bird just sets it off. would love to win it!

Anonymous said...

oh this is wonderful. Please count me in!

Suz said...

The bag is beautiful! I wish I was patient and creative enough to make something half as great. Thanks for doing this!

Angela said...

OMg that bag is fabulous.. I would love that to carry around and I love its size.. I already have to lug around a huge diaper bag... i hate having a big purse too.

The Modest Momma said...

Count me in please! I LOVE this bag! I love birds and nature in general. I think it would look awesome in the summer and fall!!

goalmom said...

I've been to the craft stores and read up on felting, but I'm afraid I haven't got past the Knifty Knitter stage. I admire your talent and would love to win this bag.

Emily said...

LOVE it! So talented and great giveaway idea!

T'aowyn said...

What is not to love about this bag? It is crafty, handmade and the colors are beautiful.

taowyn (at) gmail (dot) com

Petra said...

I love cute bags, and this one is adorable! Love it!!!

Rebecca said...

I can see why this bag is a favorite! I'd love to win because I love handmade items. Thanks so much.

noreen said...

it is just so pretty, I would probably give it to my mom, she was a blue bird (like girl scouts) when she was little

heather h said...

Oooh, I am such a sucker for felted bags! This is gorgeous. I've tried my hand at felting, and it didn't turn out too well at all. As far as knitting goes, I'm still in the stage where I can only knit scarves! This is a gorgeous bag, and I'd give it a great home! I need a pretty bag!

Stephanie said...

You did such a wonderful job and the colors are gorgeous. It would make my life so much easier and fashionable at the very same time.

Anonymous said...

Vanilla Butter Fudge

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous! It's perfect. I love everything about it. And I love red. I wear a TON of red. It would go so well with nearly everything I wear! :) I love to crochet but have never tried a purse. And I have forgotten how to knit over the years. I can't even remember how to start!
Smiles, Cassidy

Anonymous said...

That is a stunning bag, wow! How lovely, and talented you are. Thanks for entering me. :)

JavaMama said...

How super cute is that bag!! I love it, enter me please.

JOYfully in Him,

MamaGames - Alexa C. said...

I love, love, love the blue bird on the bright red background - it's not a color combination you see a lot! Beautiful work... thanks for the contest!

Anonymous said...

Very unique idea and my daughter loves different looks in purses!

Anonymous said...

Cute bag. Please enter me!

Jen said...

I love purses and would love a red one...thanks.

Anonymous said...

I'm the handbag queen and change mine out every other day just about! Would love to win

Ginny said...

I am a total purse addict, I love your bag, how cute!

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